Friday, October 25, 2013

Fly Fishing For South Puget Sound Chum Salmon

I went out today in search of some returning chum salmon. 8 weight in hand, I made my way down a local creek towards the Puget Sound. I could see fish making their way upstream as the tide began to suck the waters of the creek, lower and lower. I planted myself in a nice deep pool that had a fast slot with an undercut bank. A few casts through that slot and I was roped into my first chum of the fall. After a brief but explosive fight, I landed a beautiful chrome hen covered in sea lice. I imagine she had made her way from the saltwater that day resulting in her astonishing, pre-spawn health. I fished my way towards the mouth of the creek, chasing large groups of chum the entire way down. Around 3:00 the crowds started showing up and causing a free for all, which sent fish in every direction in a frenzied panic. Not the best way to approach fish you want to catch in my opinion... The side by side style fishing is common with fisherman in my area and its all to familiar to have three people swarm your fishing spot as soon as they see you land a fish. Another common catch and release  technique I have seen in locals waters is the football style punt to release chum, which I cant watch without making an ethics comment. I see this so much I often call it "The Minter Punt" from my old stomping grounds, where almost everyone I saw kicked their fish into the water. Other than the crowd of people, the day was great. Between battles of man and fish, great fall weather, some amazing wildlife and bird moments, it was an incredible day back on the water in search of this seasons chum. Overall I caught two chrome, ocean fresh chum that were sprinkled with sea lice to show their fresh authenticity. I probably lost about six throughout the day but they were still great fights while they lasted. Each fish hit a pink comet style fly that I will hopefully do a tutorial on in the future. I will take the fight from two salt fresh fish over six colored up and spawned out chum any day. They may be one of the most overlooked species of fish in the state, but I will always have a special place in my heart for chum salmon and chasing them with a fly rod.

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