Thursday, October 10, 2013

Starting Fresh

Well here it is! My first blog post! My name is Zach and I am an outdoor addict... I am based out of the South Puget Sound region in Washington state which really doesn't help the addiction since I'm a short drive from three National Parks, tons of wilderness areas, vast Pacific coastline, incredible back country snowboarding, and great fishing just about anywhere I go. Its seriously hard to complain in the great PNW! Now to address my title... Recently my home was broken into (not cool) and most of outdoor gear was nabbed. My ultralight pack was stolen and inside was a good portion of my specialty and ultralight gear. The thieves made off with quite a bit of other extremely valuable things but I wont get into that... needless to say I am in the process of replacing a lot of gear and if I know myself like I think I do, It is going to be a long meticulous process. DIY gear options are much more appealing to me at the moment to really get what I want out of my outdoor experience. I am very bummed that my gear is gone but I am stoked to explore new gear projects to cut weight and cost! I will have projects posted soon

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